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As you might expect, the camera store was my own wonderland. In fact, if someone was ever considering robbing a bank, I would have perhaps considered robbing a camera store!!! :) There was simply so much to admire, so much to yearn for, so much wants yet so little of a budget.

Yes, everyone wants a lens that creates a beautiful bokeh, everyone wants the sharpest of lenses, everyone wants a telephoto lens that could shoot Jupiter, everyone wants a lens that could capture the tiny hairs on a bee, however, not many of us could afford those luxuries.

Upon convincing myself to let go of those fantasies, I started to hunt for the essential gear. For instance, I needed a tripod & an external flash unit.

I picked up a Manfrotto MKC3-P02, a Metz 36 AF-5 flash gun, a Canon 50mm f1.8 lens, a phottix battery grip & finally a Sigma 10-20mm f4-5.6.

Those products gave me a mixed feeling of satisfaction, yes, I was getting better results but I felt like I could still do much better.


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