Creating a 60s Fashion Editorial look
Let’s face it, capturing photographs that represent a historical era is a challenge. Not only would you need to stay true to the styling,...

Mirrorless System - Is it for you?
It's almost been 4 years since the release of the first Full frame mirrorless cameras. Sony has since implemented itself as a leading...

Before / After - 6
Adobe Photoshop & the power of camera RAW have brought about possibilities that never existed before. In the days of old, you were...

Before / After - 5
There was one concept I had been planning to shoot, the only thing holding me back was that I didn't possess the right resources to...

Before / After - 4
Capturing compelling & strong images doesn't come easy; it requires planning, education, experimentation & sometimes going out of your...

Before / After - 2
When you get inspired, and you find yourself in the drive gear, you better hit that gas & go with the flow. I was experimenting with...

Enter Sony Alpha!
To say I created a shockwave among my photography friends here in Dubai would be an understatement! It didn't make sense then, even now...

The journey’s origins
As many have done before myself, and as many would follow, I embarked on a journey nurtured by passion; passion towards capturing beauty...